[- Al-Banafsej Villas 10 -151 -]

Al-Banafsej Villas 10 -151
  • Al-Banafsej neighborhood is one of the important neighborhoods in New Cairo and can be reached through the main 90th Street. The neighborhood is divided into divided villas and other buildings. The area of ​​villas within the violet is divided into 12 areas accessible through the 90th Street or from the Ring Road in the area of ​​the Police Academy.

Project details

  • Features of Al-Banafsej


    Located in the middle of the   5th settlement   in New Cairo, east of Al-Rehab City, south of the main 90th Street, north of the Ministry of Interior and Suez Road, west of Al-Jasmine neighborhood and the first assembly, the service area and the University of the Future, facing the city center including administrative buildings for many companies and banks Petrosport Club.

     Ù…ساحة الفيلا 620   متر .

    حجم الأعمال 18 مليون  جنيه